Search Box in WordPress

How to Add a simple search box in a wordpress page or post.

Google Search Box in WordPress

The example is simply a search box to one of my clients website here in Kerry.

Who is a photographer in kerry and asked specifically to be ranked for that search term.

It might not be very pretty but you can add some css in your style.css file.

How to achieve the search box in wordpress

Add the code below in text mode and save.

<div class="searchboxinwordpress"><form action="//" method="get"><input class="query" name="q" type="text" value="photographer in kerry" /><input name="hl" type="hidden" value="en" /><button class="button" name="btnG" type="submit" data-g-event="Tips and Tricks: Basics: Search form start simple">Search</button></form></div>

And add a bit of css to your stylesheet


background-color: transparent;

float: left;

width: 300px;


by Design and Marketing