Adding Images WordPress

Adding Images

You can add images and galleries within your post and pages. Start by setting a featured image this will be used as your post thumbnail.

To add a featured image, click Set Featured Image, upload your image and choose Set Featured Image and then save the changes to your post. It is recommended that the featured image uploads are at least 300px in width and 300px in height. Or greater that 200px wide by greater that 200px high for social media sharing. And you want your images shared(SEO).

Your featured image should be at least 200x200 pixels to be picked up by Facebook and other social media sites.

Adding Images within Pages or Posts

Images can be added to any content area and can be customized in various ways.

  1. To add an image navigate to any Page or Post. In the content area place the cursor where you would like the image to appear and click Add Media.

  2. A new window will pop up, click the link Insert Media. Upload new images under the Upload Files tab or insert existing images from the media library via the Media Library tab.

  3. After selecting the image you can adjust the attachment details and display settings, see below for more information on the display settings.

  4. Once the display settings are complete, insert the image into the content by clicking Insert into Post.

Image Display Settings

Under Attachment Display Settings in addition to the WordPress standard allignment of Left, left, Right and None.

by Design and Marketing