Change Your WordPress Timezone

Learn How To Change Your WordPress Default Timezone

If you are scheduling, selling online, message publication, and many calendar features with WordPress may not work until you have set the default timezone set.

When signing in to your new website, you will see a warning bar telling you to check your timezone in WordPress. Do not ignore or Dismiss this.

WordPress settings, help text says ‘Choose a city in the same timezone as you”.

To change your WordPress Timezone.  Go to your WordPress dashboard on the left hand sidebar. Click on the Settings, then click General.

Changing Timezone SettingsSelect a city nearest you. There is not too many Cities in Kerry, Dublin is our option here.

On the Settings > General page, find the section labeled Timezone. Select a city in the same timezone as you.  Go to Europe and scroll down until Dublin is listed.

Save your changes.

Be sure to click the Save Changes button at the bottom of the Settings > General screen.

by Design and Marketing