How to add text to WordPress in the text editor
Find your website for example
Look to Your URL bar my domain name is and is highlighted above
Add /wp-admin to your domain name example of this would be after entering press enter.
domain nane/wp-admin

Your will arrive at the standard WordPress login screen.
Add your Username and Password in these boxes. If you don’t know them or where not given them ask you designer (dont put up with excuses – the website is your property and you should have access to it). The website designer is working for you.
With the username and password in hand, so to speak. Enter them into your wordpress login screen.
You then arrive at the wordpress dashboard “your main control left”

Having reached this point you are well on your way. Look to your left panel which contains Posts, Media and Pages and comments to mention a few.
Here is where the main power of wordpress lies. You can edit previous post and new ones. And more pages even change you website title (Tutorials coming up).
Back to adding a post or page.

On the left hand menu hover over posts and click posts. A new set of options to choose from appears.
Here you can add edit or maybe put in a categoy or tags for your work.
Categories are the wider picture.
While tags can be seen as the color of the paint. Or material used.
Begin your new post or page and Goodluck.