Importing Content From Another Website

In this tutorial i will show how to Import Content From Another WordPress Website.

Select your content to import. Basically to import content into your wordpress website, you need a .xml file. Usually, if not always generated by another wordpress website.

So to start i will show you how to generate that file.

Under Tools on your other site, find export, you can export all content or choose to export one post type (posts, pages, media) at a time.

Export All WordPress Content
On you other wordpress website/test site login again go to tools and this time choose import. Down towards the bottom of your screen is WordPress >> Run Importer click this to be brought to an upload screen. Click browse and navigate to your downloaded .xml file from the other website. Click Upload file and import.

Import Wordpres .xml file WordPress

The upload is a process of selecting

1. Assign Authors or select the default author
2. Download and import file attachments images

Import WordPress Authors Import File AttachmentsClick Submit
Your New WordPress Website is now populated with older content. Not ideal but a great start. Edit the content as you see fit.

by Design and Marketing