Menu Setup WordPress

Once you’ve added your pages you’ll need to setup your main navigation menu which appears at the top of each page.

  1. To set up the navigaton menu go to Appearance > Menus and enter the name of your menu in the text box provided. Click Create Menu to begin.

  2. Add items to the menu by selecting from left column options panel. Add pages, link or categories by selecting the checkbox of the item and then clicking, Add to Menu.

  3. Once items have been added to a menu, drag and drop to put them in the desired order. Drag a menu item to the right a little to make it a submenu and create a hierarchy.

  4. After your menu has been created be sure to set the location. Under Menu Settings, select the checkbox Main Navigation Menu for Theme Locations. Click Save Menu to save all recent changes made to your menu.

Your main navigation menu now created and can be viewed by visiting any page.

by Design and Marketing