Publish button changed to Submit For Review

How to Fix wordpress Publish button in  from Submit For Review

One of the latest problems i have the (pain) pleasure to come across to during a local business wordpress themes design. It really started off as a bit of a nightmare, when i of realised I could no longer add new pages to my WordPress site or even save the customiser settings for our theme either, faced this problem when working on a custom wordpress roofing theme but found the answer after 6ish hours.

The problem was, there was no “Publish” button. The ‘Publish’ button had be replaced by a “Submit For Review” button. Plus when saving the custom preview seemed to work, but after reloading the page were back to the old settings.

I hope my wordpress tips will help you fix your WordPress website fast and get your website working for you, and not you working for your website.

  1. Changing themes can cause this problem. I recommend you switch back to a default theme (i.e. twenty eleven, twenty twelve etc.) and test if the problem still occurs.
  2. Plugins can also cause this problem. To verify if this is the problem, I recommend deactivating or moving your plugins to a directory outside of the folder and see if the problem still happens.

Login to your phpMyAdmin, repairing the database tables. This can solve the problem.
Fix Publish button changed to Submit For ReviewThe WordPress “Publish” button is a “Submit For Review” button problem can also be caused my not having a ‘Primary Key’ and ‘Auto Increment’ in the wp-post table in your database
You can hire me to do this for you. Basically login to your phpMyAdmin and go to the table wp-post. You will see the following error, suggesting that there is no ‘Primary Key’ nor ‘Auto Increment’.

How to Fix Publish button changed to Submit For Review

Go to ‘Structure’ and on the ‘ID’ row, click on ‘Primary Key’ to make this this primary row. Once the ‘ID’ row is the ‘Primary Key’ you can then edit the ‘ID’ row and set it to Auto Increment.

Pinguis Web dealing with WordPress Errors and custom WordPress Website Designers

by Design and Marketing