WordPress Themes Explained

WordPress Themes Explained

Basically a WordPress Theme is a set of files that work together to produce an interface with an underlying unifying design for a website.

These files are called template files. A Theme modifies the way the site is displayed, without modifying the underlying software. These files are keep separate from the themes files in folders or directories.

What does the WordPress Theme provide

All of the front end styles of your WordPress site.

  • the overall design or style of your page (header, main content area, sidebar, footer)
  • font styling
  • colors and overall layout
  • widget locations
  • page layouts (the templates)
  • styles for blog posts and blog archives
  • any additional styling effects

WordPress content is stored in a database. When a request is made, the request page is called and transported over the internet. The structure of that content is then formatted(shaped) by the theme and presented to the browser via php and css stylesheets.

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