Installing WordPress Widgets

WordPress Widget installation by Pinguis Website Design

Widgets area’s are included with WordPress.

Adding Widgets

The widgets can be found under Appearance > Widgets. Widgets can be placed in the footer, and various sidebars on pages and sections. To activate a Widget in a sidebar or footer simply drag it to the desired area, or click the Widget, select a destination and click Add Widget.

Arrange the order of Widgets by clicking and dragging them it into place. You can customize the Widget features by clicking the down arrow in the upper right corner. Be sure to save any changes made to the Widget by clicking Save. To remove the Widget, click Delete.

How to Add WordPress Widgets in the default Sidebar or footer area.

To do this you will have to be in the WordPress Administration Screen or back-end. Everything in WordPress is controlled here and access to everything can be accessed here.

Look down the left hand panel until you see Appearance, while hovering make yourself familiar with the layout of the back-end.

Hovering over Appearance reveals Themes Customize and Widgets etc.

Apperance Options in WordPress

Click Widgets to reveal another window.

The Available Widgets Screen WordPress

From here click your chosen widget and add to blog widgets or footer widgets.

Blog corresponds to sidebar and footer is the bottom of the screen usually 4 widgets to a footer area.

Configure your Blog Widgets once in position. Test everything mix and match widgets experiment with your widget screen.

Custom Widgets

Below explanations how to Customise Widgets.

A Widget that allows you to display the most blog posts from a specific category.

      • Option Description
        Title You can an optional title for the Widget.
        Number of Posts Enter the number of posts you’d like to display, it must be at least 1 and less than 10.
        Choose a Category Select a specific category in which the posts are pulled from

      WordPress Widget installation

      by Design and Marketing