Write, Edit and Publish Content WordPress

Working with WordPress pages or posts.

How to Write, Add a New Posts and use posts Features

Writing a post or adding content in a WordPress Website can be as easy or as hard as you make it. Their is way around the large learning curve it involves, having said that you have to be prepared to learn and learn from mistakes, many website owners are sick of relying on website designers to upload their content, make small grammatical alterations, spellings corrections and of course dated content with maybe years old, with speed regulations change, that’s not good enough to base your business on.

This would usually involve a phone call or email to the designer, a wait and they they might or might not agree to the changes proposed changes, after this the website owner usually puts up with the changes. Trying to avoiding conflict with the webmaster.


Then, they hear about this great software that allows them to login to the back-end and make the changes straight away, and they feel they are able and get their static old Website converted to WordPress.

The beginner finds the interface a bit overwhelming. We will show users the necessary features in order to add new posts so that you can use the features available. It truly is a complex as you want it to be.


Our WordPress Posts and Pages layout starts with the Content Editor and a Title and content area.

Title and Content Editor are the most noticeable areas on the Add New Post Editor.

Title and Content area on WordPress Posts ScreenYours might look slightly different depending on whether you are using the visual or the text editor.

You can switch between visual and text editor while writing a post, but we do not recommend switching as this could mess up your post’s format.

Visual Editor is the beginners text editor with buttons and a visual layout for content area. On the other hand, text editor is a plain text editor where you can actually see the HTML or write your own code.

The first text area on the top is where you add the post’s title. If you are using SEO Friendly URL structure, then WordPress will auto generate post URL based on the title. You can edit the URL by clicking on the edit button. The Post URL or Slug marked above.

The content area is where you will write your post. Use the formatting buttons from the toolbar or use one of the many keyboard shortcuts available which will speed up your writing process. We have use the B for Bold formatting option above.

In the bottom left area of the content editor, WordPress will show you the word count for your post.

One of the beauties of WordPress is as you write the post, it automatically save a draft of the post. This auto-save is stored in your WordPress database temporarily and the date and time is on the bottom right of the screenshot above.

As soon as you save your draft or write more content, WordPress cleans up your autosaved draft and replaces it with the newer up to date one. This process ensures that you do not lose your content due to internet connection or any other failures.

The post editor shows your current draft and autosave status in the bottom next to word count.

Adding Images and Media

Between the title and content fields, there is a large Add Media button. Click on it when you want to upload an image or any other media to your WordPress post. This will launch the media uploader window.

Media uploader in the WordPress Editor

Clicking on the select file button to upload images or any other media to your WordPress site. You can also create galleries and video and audio playlists from uploaded files.

Tip: You can Drag and Drop media files.  Select more than 1 image to create galleries within your post. 

WordPress also comes with some basic image editing tools. You can to edit, flip vertically horizontally, rotate, and crop images in WordPress.

EditImages Screen Options WordPress

When Publishing a Post Your Options

WordPress post editor is divided into two columns. The column on your left contains the post title and content editor. On your right hand side, you have different meta boxes to configure post options.

The top most meta box in this column is labeled Publish. This is where all the publishing options for your posts are managed.

Save Draft button stores a draft of the post or page that you are working on. WordPress also auto-saves your posts as you write them, its better to save as draft for peace of mind.

Preview button shows a live preview of your post. You can use it to see how your post will look after publishing.

Status allows you to set a status for your post. WordPress automatically handles post status for drafts and published posts. Unless you are using a plugin to add custom statuses, you don’t need to worry about this option.

Click on the Edit link next to visibility to expand it. The first option under visibility will allow you to make your post sticky on front-page. Sticky posts in WordPress are like featured content that are displayed on top of all other posts.

The third option under visibility is labeled private. This allows you to privately publish a post on your WordPress site. The private posts will be visible to users who have the editing privileges on your site.

Click on the edit link next to Publish, and WordPress will display the time and date options. You can use this option to schedule posts or create back dated post in WordPress.

Move to trash allows you to delete a WordPress post. Deleted posts live under trash, and you can restore them if you need to for up to 30 days.

Finally, the publish button makes your WordPress post public, if your site is live your content is now too.

Adding Categories and Tags

You can sort your posts into categories and tags. The categories and tags meta boxes usually appear in the right hand column, below the publish button. Or click posts on the left hand side to reveal the posts drop down which includes categories and tags.


Categories and tags help you organize your content in a meaningful and browsable format. Not only your users can easily find your content, it also boosts your site’s SEO. See our guide on the difference between categories and tags and how to use them to sort your content.

Featured Image (Post Thumbnails)

WordPress themes support featured images or post thumbnails for it’s articles. Usually it is one of the last boxes on the right hand column on the post edit screen.

Click on this to set featured image link, and it will bring up the media Library or you can upload your media. You can select an image from a your previous uploads or upload a new image from your computer.

Pinguis Website Design are Experts in converting old dated, static websites to WordPress.


Below Options are for the more comfortable User

Screen Options dropdown next to help on the Top Right.

Some of the options on the post edit screen are hidden by default in order to keep wordpress cleaner and simpler for editing. These options are not commonly used by beginners. However, you may need them later, after editing your post.

Click on the Screen Options button on the top right corner of the page. This will show a menu with check boxes next to option names.

Wordpress Screen Options Top RightSome of the options will already be checked. You can display them by clicking on the checkbox next to an option name, and it will appear on your post edit page. Tip: check a box and find out down the page what it does.


Checking this box adds a meta box below your content editor. You can use this box to add a short summary or excerpt for your post.

Excerpt box on WordPress post editing screen
WordPress post editing screen Excerpt box

Ideally, you should display summary or excerpt for your posts on your site’s front-page and archives. Full content should only be displayed on the post’s single page.

Send Trackbacks

Send Trackbacks option allows you to notify other blog owners that you have linked to their content.

If another blog owner is running WordPress, then you don’t need to send them trackbacks. Your WordPress site will automatically send them a ping when you publish the post. Which notifys the administration of the post.

Custom Fields

This option will display a user interface for custom fields below your post editor. You can use it to manually enter custom information in your posts.

Custom Fields


While comments are a great way to engage your audience, sometimes you may not want to have comments on a specific post or a page.

The discussion option displays a meta box below post editor to turn on/off comments and pingbacks for your post.

Turn comments and pingbacks off/on for individual WordPress posts

Since pages are static, most users want to turn off comments on them. You can do so by editing each page.

Once your WordPress site gets some reputation, you will start getting an increase of comment and email spam.

Turn off comments – unless you like spammers telling you what valuable content you have and how they would like to become a guest author on your website.

or email spam where they cant be bothered writing, so they post this
How are you? Hope you are fine. I have been checking your website quite often ……
I generally turn all comments off across my blog with a plugin called How to disable comments


A slug is a clean title that can be used in URLs.


WordPress automatically generates a post slug and displays it as the post URL directly below the post title. You can edit this slug by clicking on the edit link below the post title.

You can also enable the slug option from the Screen Options and edit your post slug at the bottom of the window by scrolling to the very bottom.

Options on the Yoast WordPress SEO Plugin

We have explained the default WordPress post edit settings. Many WordPress plugins will also add their own settings panels on the post edit screen.

Yoast WordPress SEO plugin adds its own settings panel. With a snippet of Search results preosented for you to edit. These are search engine snippets and the main reason people will view your pages after searching and clicking the results with yahoo, google or bing.

Yoast SEO Plugin WordPress
SEO Plugin WordPress

WordPress is a great Content Managment System, second to none with ease of use and flexibility. You have to play with it, learn from mistakes and not to be afraid to make more.

Pinguis Web converting dated, old static websites to WordPress.

by pinguisweb.com Design and Marketing